Friday, April 17, 2009

Writing a Letter with the help of Our Gingerbread Man

Hi boys and girls...

Today we covered writing a letter to a friend who is overseas. We wanted to invite our friend over to Singapore and visit a place that we find interesting.

But before we wrote the letter, we had some time to explore a brochure on the place of interest and we discovered new things about certain places in Singapore. Here are a few internet links about some Places of Interest right here in Singapore. It's amazing that there is so many places which have many interesting features on our small little island! :)

After we had gotten familiar with a particular place of interest, we worked with our Gingerbread Man (Mind Map Template) and he helped us organize our thoughts. He can actually help us in our future writing as well. Here is a picture of him...

After that we wrote a friendly letter using the content that we have consolidated from the brochures that were given to us.

There is a specific format for a friendly letter and this can be seen below...

We hope that these will help you in writing a letter to your friend overseas and entice him/her to visit Singapore soon! :D

Ms Goh & Mr Fadzeel


  1. nice activity,
    but how do U get the pictures on the blog?
    you cant just get them from the internet.

  2. Hi Shen Kai,

    What do you mean by getting the pictures on the blog? Do you want to upload pictures that you have taken to be put into your blog? Or, do you want to include pictures, that are already available on the internet, in your blog?

  3. mr fadzeel,why do u want us to do the ginger bread man?what will it help us?

  4. i tink SK mean uploading pics on e blog...

  5. Vinnie, the Gingerbread man was to help you get facts to wirte out in the body of your letter to your friend overseas. With these facts (that you have extracted from the brochure), you will then be able to write out your letter with a better focus and won't go out of point.

  6. teacher,long time no see.

    hope u wil rite in blog again.
    U looooooooooooooooong time never rite in blog alredy!
