Tuesday, March 31, 2009

English - Taking a Telephone Message

For English, we tried to pass a message from one person to another. Most of us missed out some important parts of the actual message. By missing out some important parts of the message, other people will get a distorted message and would interpret it differently.

Later, we took a message for Mr Matsumoto. Mr Bill Henderson from Alltec called in to talk him but he was unavailable. Mr Bill wanted Mr Matsumoto to call him back at 8pm, Japan time.

Several key important facts were highlighted when we need to take a message for someone who is unable to take a telephone call.

You can view this video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUaFgvCiaVw.


  1. Hello Hamsaraj... How do you feel about today's English lesson? Did you enjoy taking down Mr Bill Henderson's message? I'm sure that from today onwards, you're an expert at taking down messages for your friends and family members! :)

  2. taking a telephone message is half hard, half easy. As sometimes you may take down the wrong thing or miss out something.Nevertheless, it was very interesting!:)

  3. That's very true Chin Rong. But I feel that after you get the hang of it, it will be a breeze for you. :)
